
Are the games becoming an addiction within the gamers’ community?

Because we live in an increasingly digital world where almost everyone, even children, owns an electronic device with a screen, parents are worried about how much time their kids spend on the screen.


Even more, some of a child’s screen time may be good for their social and academic growth. It was because the COVID-19 pandemic was so bad that many kids and teenagers were told to stay in their homes and play video games to meet up with their friends. After all, they couldn’t meet up in person.


There are so many screens in today’s world that it might be hard to keep track of how much time your child spends on them. The question is: Is there a way to limit your kids’ use of technology? There are ways to tell if you or your kids have a problem with screens or video games.


A bad day at work or in the classroom

Movies can bring out the best and the worst in people. To feel the sensations, their brains process and react as if the sensations were happening to them. In the same way, when someone plays a video game, the same level of involvement is there.


Gamers think about the game as if it were real while playing. When a game is scary or violent, gamers’ bodies move. Because of the excitement and violence in the game, their fight-or-flight reflex is triggered, making them want to fight or flee. Using video games too much can make the brain stay in a state of hyperarousal all the time.


There are many different signs of hyperarousal, but some can include problems with concentration, emotional regulation, impulse control, following directions, and coping with frustration. People with hyperarousal might also have problems with their ability to follow directions and deal with frustration. It can be hard to show that you care or think outside the box if you’re an adult or child. This can make you less motivated to learn in the classroom because this can make people not care about other people, leading to violence. Children who use screens and social media to connect with other people are more likely to feel alone than those who meet people face-to-face.


It can cause depression and an unstable blood sugar level, as well as a weakened immune system’s ability to fight off infections when it goes on for a long time. While playing video games, some kids may get a sweet tooth and want to eat sweet things. There may be problems with kids’ diets and weight because of how much time they spend playing video games. Children might not stop going to the bathroom while playing a video game.


What makes a person want to play video games all the time?

Addiction is when someone can’t stop using a substance or doing a sure thing. Those who spend a lot of time in front of a screen or playing video games may be close to this definition.


So, what’s the reason?

Dopamine is released in the brain’s reward area when there is a joyful or hyper arousing experience. If a person gets very excited while playing a video game, their brain links it to dopamine. When someone finds something they like, they want to keep going back to it again and again.



Social or recreational reasons: Instead of going out with your friends, you play video games.


If you know that playing video games or being in front of a screen is hurting your performance at school or work, but you keep playing, you are addicted to screens.

When you are forced to stop playing for even a short time, you might get angry or angry.


Lying to others about how much time you spend on a sure thing.

A person who isn’t concerned about how they look will need more and more screen time to get the same level of satisfaction as someone who is.

Excessive screen use can cause long-term or permanent brain changes that need a lot of behavioral and medical help.


What choices do you have?

When your child grows up, one-size-fits-all doesn’t work as well. Because not all kids are the same when it comes to screen time, not everyone is the same. They may be able to go outside without your help. When other kids spend a lot of time on screens, they get angrier and are more likely to yell. You’ll have to decide how much media your child can use each day, as well as what’s appropriate for their age and maturity, so you’ll have to think about that.


If you want your child to be safer, use the same rules in their natural and virtual worlds. To help your child become more social, you can help them play with them, do good deeds, and keep an eye on what they are doing. Remember that the quality of the media your child sees is more important than how much technology or time you spend on it. An idea that encourages people to be active instead of just watching TV is a good one.


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